Thursday, September 19, 2013

Everyone Starts Somewhere...

Leave it to me to add one more thing to my already crazy, always-on-the-go, challenging, rewarding life... Starting a blog.... I find it quite ironic though, considering every time I have to write a paper for college I end up complaining to Momma (yes..I'm an adult, I still call her Momma, and I always will..) or actually anyone who listens "how much I dislike writing papers, I'm horrible at writing, I never can find the right things to say, blah, blah, blah". I've always been jealous of those individuals who seem to have the "talent" of writing and just have a way with words. Ironically, every single time I start writing that "dreaded"  paper I somehow get lost in it, don't stop writing and find myself making things sound "just right". I was told by a dear friend of mine that I should start a journal, record life events, struggles, blessings, emotions, basically; just write about anything and everything in life. So, I took her advice, fell in love with writing, and haven't looked back since. I sit here and laugh because one; I never would have thought in a million years, I would end up starting a blog and two; something I despised so much at one point is now my passion... well, maybe not some of the topics that my professors give me to write papers on but, as my Grama would say "life is not fair". Things, most often than not, don't go the way we want them to go but, being able to look back at all of life's struggles, blessings, challenges, and events that we as individuals overcome is what makes life so amazing and rewarding

A few days ago, I was texting my mom, upset, after I had a bad W.O.D (Workout of the Day, for those non-crossfitters), she reminded me of what, I consider, the most simple, yet, vital lesson in the mentality of this crazy, awesome, every-muscle-hurts-on-my-body sport..."You vs. You". Just like Super Woman, she made things all better. That little reminder whipped me back into the right mentality, both in the box and in the academic setting. Today she, being the inspiring, awesome Momma she is, sent me a text to go check out an online CrossFit journal because she thought the message in today's article was "real good for me" and.... guess who was right? Momma wins, yet again. I ended up taking a break from studying and reading more than just that one article. Consequently, I found an article that was perfect and worth sharing on my FaceBook page, after adding a few thoughts of my own that seemed appropriate.  Minutes following the posting of that article I was told by a fellow inspiring and hardworking CrossFitter, who also has the honor of being my "5 a.m. WOD-BFF" back home, that I "should consider being a writer". My immediate thoughts were... Ha, are you kidding me?! Let me stop and totally change my major of the last four years (I'm sure Momma would love that idea... NOT!).....or, lets just add something else to do in my non-existing spare time, you're crazy! Quickly though, my thoughts changed. All of a sudden, driving home for lunch, I had this "hair-brain" idea as Momma would call it. I'm gonna take the stress that life throws at me and demolish it by blogging about things I'm passionate about, important medical information I have learned on my journey through school that I feel other individuals should have the knowledge about, my favorite Paleo recipes (because I seem to get yelled at for not sharing all the yummy-ness) and a bunch of other random things that life throws at me because life is just that awesome!

The main point of all the blabbing above? The exact events that lead me to say, "I'm officially going to start blogging". I guess everyone has to start somewhere... 

Find the beauty in your life-
XoXo Kate